1. Login to Response by going to https://app.response.ai/.
2. Once you reach the Campaign Dashboard, click "Settings".
3. This is where we'll add our Custom Domain. Start by making sure the field is blank.
4. Open a new browser tab & go to your Domain's DNS settings, e.g. Google Domains (Link: https://domains.google.com/registrar/exampledomain.com)
5. Click "Manage custom records"
6. Click "Create new record"
7. Click 'Type' & choose the A record.
8. Click the 'Host name' field & name your Custom Domain. We like to use 'video', so our domains send as 'video.domain.com'.
9. Go back to the Response Settings tab & copy the IP Address for the A record. (
10. Paste the IP Address into the record & do NOT forget to remove the dot at the end. (it ends as 112, not 112. - make sure there is no full-stop.)
11. Click 'Save' to successfully set your A record.
12. Click the "Enter your custom domain name" field.
13. Copy the Custom Domain name, e.g. video.ollyprospecting.com & paste it into the box & click 'Save'. NOTE: Do NOT save the custom domain as 'https://' (unless you have set up your domain on Cloudflare.) Use 'http://' without the S at the end.
15. Head back to the Campaign Dashboard & Launch your Campaigns. Your prospects will now receive 100% branded links.