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Here's how to send prospects a Video with Instantly (but with powerful GIF previews!)

Peter avatar
Written by Peter
Updated over a week ago

If you want the video version of this tutorial, feel free to watch it here:

1. Begin at the Campaign Creation dashboard.

2. Head over to a Campaign which already contains completed videos. For this example, we'll choose "Response AI Campaign".

3. Now that we're inside the Campaign, we can see all of our created & successfully rendered videos for our prospects.

  • These videos are now available to view & send to prospects.

  • If you click "Copy Email" under a video, you'll be greeted with a drop-down menu of DOZENS of platforms to choose from.

5. For this example, we'll take Sean from Creekmore Marketing. We'll choose "Copy Instantly Snippet" because we're sending Videos on Instantly.

6. Go back to

Next, here's the NO.1 MISTAKE Users make: they copy-paste the Instantly snippet directly into the Campaign's copy, like this:

5. Here's WHAT TO DO Instead: Make sure the space is completely blank.

Next, in the menu below the box, the last button is: < >

  • This button (< >) is the "Code View" button, & we're going to toggle it ON.

6. Now that we're in the "Code View", we can copy-paste our Instantly Snippet.

  • You'll know you've entered the Code View when the Font changes to a more robotic style & contains HTML code like <div> & <a href etc.

  • Paste the Instantly Snippet.

7. MAGIC: Now, when you exit "Code View", you'll see that Sean's Video appears as a clickable link with a GIF Preview.

It looks great!

7. "But how do we send 10,000+ prospects their videos? Wouldn't this method just send everyone's Sean's video?"

Yes, this example would send everyone Sean's video, which would be bad.

But it was important to explain how the Code View works.

Now, here's how to auto-send 1,000s of GIF Previews to ALL of your Leads:

8. Go back into "Code View", & locate the TWO instances of Sean's email, [email protected].

9. REPLACE the TWO instances of Sean's email, [email protected] with the custom variable, {{email}}. Be sure to keep the speech marks. ( " ) at the end of both.

10. Now, as long as the prospects' emails are inside your Cold Email campaign, will auto-complete the GIF Preview for 10,000+ leads using the {{email}} custom variable.

Example: we have 3 leads in this campaign:

When sending the automated emails, Instantly will now auto-complete the GIF Preview for John, Sean & Ken when they each individually receive their emails!

Here's how John will receive his email: (his landing page is

And here's how Ken will receive his email: (his landing page is

8. NOTE: Look at what happens if we try to use a lead that DOESN'T have a Campaign Video made for them, like Edward:

The link is broken. It SHOULD be broken.

Because ALL leads receive their branded landing pages at scale using's {{email}} variable, and Edward never had a landing page or GIF Preview to begin with.

We never made him a campaign.

  • But when John receives his personalized video with the GIF Preview in his email, he can click it, & he'll be sent to his own custom landing page & video.

Ending Notes:

  • Remember that integrating with ANY Cold Email tool is super simple because we JUST use custom variables (even in the code view.)

  • If a NEW cold email tool you want to use has a DIFFERENT custom variable, e.g. instead of {{email}} it's something like {{lead_email}}, just EDIT the text in the HTML code under Code View to say {{lead_email}} instead.

This is the toughest tutorial for because it involves a bit of coding, so if you have any additional questions, please email [email protected] & also watch this tutorial below:

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