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Sending Manual Twitter DMs

New Twitter API = we can't send auto-DMs at heavy scale. But we can send powerful videos manually.

Peter avatar
Written by Peter
Updated over a week ago

1. Head over to a Campaign which already contains completed videos. For this example, we'll choose "Response AI Campaign".

2. Now that we're inside the Campaign, we can see all of our created & successfully rendered videos for our prospects.

  • These videos are now available to view & send to prospects.

  • They are being hosted on the web, so prospects can now view them.

  • If you click "Social Link" under a video, you'll automatically copy the prospect's website link to your clipboard.

3. For example, we copied the Social Link from the video for [email protected]

4. Head over to Twitter & open a DM's chat with a lead. Send the link in the box & watch magic happen! (for this example, I DM'd the link to myself.)

5. To scrape Twitter profiles at scale, you can use something like PhantomBuster.

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